Eric Greven and Tobias Hahn cooperated throughout the last semester to create the 15Nooks magazine. The task was to create a magazine, any content was allowed to be focused on – but we should create it by our selfes. Because we already talked about a project likes this a few month earlier the decision about what we want to do was set fast.
The concept of 15Nooks is focused on humans. But every magazine has a maintheme which connects to humans or focus a special behaviour or part of the human being.
As you can see on the title the theme is "Gesichtskirmes" which means something like face-kermess. One can say it means making funny faces and goofy positions, but we wanted to create an additional value. Because making faces and presenting them to the public via photos has something to do with confidence and courage to look ugly - not that we think or say anyone of our model is ugly, au contraire. We saw beautiful people presenting the most funny faces and we were shocked how much some of them could change their look. But besides the obvious face making part we decided to embrace some other topics which correlates to the main topic:
- analysing the facial muscles
- presentation of face yoga
- nonverbal communication
- creative fighters which we already published partly on our behance pages
The whole magazine has about 90 pages and we are proud to present you a little preview of what we created with no experience in the whole editorial business.
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